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Allergies ISBN: 9780750243797
Lennard-Brown, Sarah
Published by Hodder Wayland (Health Issues series), 2005
This is a splendidly detailed book that should be in the home of every family with allergies. Lengthy chapters on what causes allergies, explanations of the different sorts of allergic illnesses and allergens and where they are found, treating allergies, and living with allergies (with lots of practical advice). The information is technical, but written in good, clear English. Problems covered are: asthma, allergic skin diseases of all sorts, hay fever, allergic sinusitis, allergic conjunctivitis, food allergies (and the difference between that and food intolerance), and anaphylactic shock. Lots of information about different tests, treatments, and causes (including unusual ones like latex and chemicals). There are plenty of diagrams and pictures, but the emphasis here is on information. A glossary, an index and a list of organisations will be useful in schools.
Age: 10+