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Come to tea on Planet Zum-Zee ISBN: 9781843626923
Mitton, Tony and Parker-Rees, Guy
Published by Orchard, 2005
With rollicking rhymes and pictures exploding with colour and excitement, we see spaceships landing on Planet Zum-Zee for an aliens tea party. The green ones bring biscuits 'all bendy and round. When you take a bite they make a musical sound.' The yellow aliens bring a wobbly cake, and the red ones have floating pizzas. But the blue monster, who arrives on his own, brings a plate of something the others can't abide: 'It's loaded with dollops all gloopy and blue. They quiver and they shiver like rubbery goo!' The aliens refuse to try them: 'We're not eating those!' And the poor blue monster starts to slink away with his refused offering - brave little red alien decides to have a go and finds the stuff delicious. Soon they are all tucking in. 'It looks a bit yucky as it sits on the plate...but it tastes just great.' This is utterly charming, huge fun and quite subtle. Kids will chant the rhymes over and over. At the end, the alien mummies arrive to take their tired little aliens home, and all is quiet on Planet Zum-Zee. Absolutely wonderful!
Age: 2+