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Jamal is overweight ISBN: 9781842341117
Amos, Janine
Published by Cherrytree (Bodymatters series), 2002
One of a series aimed at young teenagers. The facts are laid out in short sentences and basic vocabulary, and each book has a running story. This one begins with Jamal eating far too much junk food and feeling tired and unfit. His extra weight means he doesn't like to participate in sport - a real couch potato. He puts himself on a diet and loses lots of weight in the first week. However, the diet doesn't seem to work after that. A visit to the doctor helps him realise that is is healthy eating and exercise he needs, and as he gets fitter, he learns to enjoy activity. The series as a whole is marred by psychedelic, colour-enhanced photos that turn faces blue, green and splotchy and by some rather messy over-printing of text. A pity, because the information and accompanying story are strong and powerful. Included are a glossary and a list of useful organizations.
Age: 11+