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You Make Your Parents Super Happy!: A book about parents separating ISBN: 9781785924149
Chandler, Richy K.
Published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2017
This understanding graphic story has love as its basis and the fact that children will always be loved and supported by both their parents even when they live separately. The design is one that is non-specific as to race, gender or age so will appeal across a very wide range of children. The little blobby characters in soft colours are highly reassuring, and the text is very sensitive in both what it says and how it says it. The small blue blob is sad at the start of the book, but is instantly promised that 'there is nothing your parents are more proud of than you'. They are made 'super happy' by having such a special child, but even though they both agree about their wonderful child, they can't agree about everything. Sometimes they are cross and unhappy with each other, and even though they have tried hard to get along, they find that living in separate places is the only solution ...'and that seems a bit scary and pretty sad'. Because they both love him/her so much, they each want to spend time with their little one so they can read stories and cook meals and do special things together. 'So even though your parents don't agree on everything, the one thing they are both sure of is that you are amazing...and they both love you with all their hearts.' The one thing I am sure of is that this is the best book of its kind for young children that I have seen so far! It's a very difficult subject to put into words, and for word-lacking parents it will prove very special indeed. Available from Amazon, from good book shops, and from the publisher:
Age: 3+