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I am an Aspie Girl: A book for young girls with autism spectrum conditions ISBN: 9781849056342
Bulhak-Paterson, Danuta and Ferguson, Teresa
Published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2015
Lizzie is an Aspie Girl, which means she has Asperger's, and she is well aware that this can cause problems for her in several different ways. She likes art and reading, and she has friends, but sometimes has problems if a special friend wants to play with others. She knows that boys with Asperger's are different from girls, and part of the reason for the book is explaining the differences. Also, the author makes the point in the pages for parents at the end of the story (excellent advice in these) that Aspie girls are good at mimicking the ways their peers act, which means friends often don't realise why an Aspie girl reacts the way she does. Lizzie talks about how tired she gets after school because of having to 'blend in' with the other girls. She also admits to special interests that can take up a lot of her time, leaving less time for homework or other necessary tasks. She is a perfectionist too and worries about making mistakes. Having temper fits is also a problem, and she is sensitive to such things as loud noises, odd smells, and bright lights. She often feels like an outsider too, and doesn't know how to share her feelings - hence her strong relationship with her Westy, Milo. Reading the emotions in people's faces is often difficult too, and she really doesn't like change, such as moving house. There are positives too: she's loyal and a good friend and has special talents of her own. This will be an excellent book for use with Aspie girls, and such books are thin on the ground. There are many more for boys, so this is most welcome. The pictures are lovely too - lots of brightness and colour, and the questions at the end of each short section will prove invaluable for discussion. As mentioned before, the pages at the end of the book are very good value for parents using it with their daughter. Altogether, an excellent production. Available from Amazon, from good bookshops, and from the publisher,
Age: 5+