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Epilepsy (Need to Know) ISBN: 9780431097701
Routh, Kristina
Published by Heinemann Library, 2005
One in a sophisticated series of books about specific health problems and disabilities, this book gives detailed information about epilepsy. Sections on the history of the condition, detailed information about generalized brain seizures and partial seizures (along with first aid suggestions), triggers such as alcohol, stress, drugs, and lack of sleep, details about the dangerous conditions of status epilepticus and Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy, studies on how common the condition is, the problem of brain injury (and the need to use helmets when bike riding), epilepsy in the elderly, treatments (with medicines, surgery, vagal nerve stimulation and the ketogenic diet), problems in everyday life: driving and sport, education and employment. An interesting section on women and epilepsy covers periods, contraception, fertility, pregnancy and motherhood. Further information on EEGs and brain scans and medical research complete an informative and detailed book. The information is honest and forthright but positive as well, and lots of pictures and personal stories help make it easy to assimilate. A lengthy list of contacts in different countries for advice and further information add much to the book, which will be useful to adults as well as teenagers.
Age: 11+