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Three cheers for Errol! ISBN: 9780749701970
Cole, Babette
Published by Mammoth, 1990
Errol is a city rat, very bad at all things academic, but very good at his special talent, sport. He is chosen to represent his school at the Inter-school Ratathalon, but his rivals (from Rodentine, Cheeser House College and St Rattingund's Convent) can't let a mere inner city school win, so they cause poor Errol to have a nasty accident. It looks like curtains for Errol's chances in the Ratathalon, until he comes up with the bright idea of training his tail. It becomes so strong that he wins every event, and he is proclaimed top rat with shouts of 'Hoorat'. Rat jokes abound, and the point is made with enormous wit and fun. Older children will enjoy the subtleties while younger ones will like the story.
Age: 4+