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Get real ISBN: 9780007142804
Thebo, Mimi
Published by HarperCollins, 2005
Artie has known for some time that there is something seriously wrong with grandad. The day he puts the kettle in the fridge and forgets to collect the twins from school is the day Artie takes charge. His ultra-busy parents have always entrusted the twins and 12 year old Artie to grandad's care after school, and such is the busy-ness of their schedule that they haven't twigged anything is wrong. Artie is big for his age, a talented footballer, and a responsible lad. He makes some wrong decisions when the twins are in danger of being kidnapped, but he makes them in the belief that his grandad's illness must be kept secret. When all the family must face up to their secrets, they decide their hectic life-style is not life-affirming and that money isn't everything. The main theme of this story is grandad's Alzeimers and how it affects the family. Realistically, when grandad ends up in a home, he is far happier. A heartwarming book about a lad doing his best but not always getting things right.
Age: 9+