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I don't want to go to hospital ISBN: 9780862649685
Ross, Tony
Published by Andersen Press, 2000
The Little Princess develops a lump in her nose, and the doctor announces she must go into hospital. In her usual definite manner, the Little Princess refuses. Anarchy reigns, and she hides. All the palace officials look for her, and she is finally discovered in the attic, tied up and hauled off to hospital. Only one page shows us the Little Princess in hospital, where her nose has been operated on, but when she is home again, she says she wants to go back to have her tonsils out! Why? - Because in hospital, 'They treated me like a princess.' Wonderfully funny illustrations as always with Tony Ross, and while this doesn't tell us anything about hospitals, it does reassure those who might be unwilling to go.
Age: 3+